
My husband and I have been trying for two months now. Every time I bring up ovulation, and how it’s important to definitely have sex on specific days, I get “I’m too tired” or “you make this feel like a chore”. He says he wants a baby, but he’s honestly making me feel like he doesn’t give a shit. It’s not clicking in his mind that I’m more fertile during certain times. It’s like he thinks it’s just gonna HAPPEN. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to initiate sex without him “feeling like it’s a chore”?

Even when I’m ACTUALLY in the mood he says “you just want me to get you pregnant”. Like, how is that suppose to make me feel?? Am I overreacting? I’m sorry if this post makes me seem selfish I just don’t know how to make him feel less like the way he does. Maybe not even tell him when I’m ovulating so that he doesn’t think I just want sex to get pregnant or something (even though I’m actually in the mood)?