My orgasms are underwhelming

Hey everyone, I’m 17 and have been masturbating for almost 2 years, at first the orgasms were amazing but lately they just have been underwhelming, I just don’t feel completely satisfied.

When I’m masturbating with my fingers it doesn’t feel that great i feel like I’m not that sensitive, but then my breathing starts to get heavier and I start shaking a little and that stops when I stop, and after that I don’t want to touch myself anymore for a couple of minutes which I know is normal, but the thing is that the orgasm itself is very underwhelming and doesn’t leave me satisfied.

I tried using the shower head which by far feels the best, I start breathing very heavily and feel the rush and can feel the blood rushing through my arteries and it feels really good but the problem here is that I don’t reach release, it’s like I’m almost there but can’t reach a real orgasm if that makes sense.

I am still a virgin and don’t have any sexual experience other than with myself, I also can’t get any toys without my parents knowing so that is not an option .

I just need some advice and want to know if what I’m experiencing is normal

I’m really sorry this is long but thank you so much for reading :)