Exposed to COVID need advice!

So my daughter is 15 and my ex and I share 50/50 custody of her. We do not get along. I say this being as serious as possible that he is diagnosed with bipolar disorder and he has some violent anger issues. He was very abusive when we were together. So now, a couple weeks ago my 3 year old son is in aba therapy and he came down with a virus, we did not have him tested for COVID because he would not have tolerated a test. So his therapist told me at the same time her fiancé had a fever as well (my son had a fever and a light cough but he also wouldn’t tell me if anything else was bothering him). So 4 days after my son seemed to be recovered, the Therapsit texted me telling me she felt like she had a fever and a bad headache. The next day, she said she was sicker than a dog and said she was going to the dr, but I also felt like I was coming down with something. They tested her for COVID and the day after that I was full blown feverish (101°) sore throat, cough, headache, body aches, congestion and eventually lost of taste and smell I was too sick to even think about going to get tested. She texted me and told me her test was COVID positive. I had booked myself a test and yup you guessed it. Me too. So my daughter had been here the day before we both started to show symptoms. So I told her to get tested and tell her dad and step mom which she did. So fast forward to this week I get a text from her step mom, and for the record we technically shouldn’t be texting the last time we were in court we were ordered to communicate through this court monitored portal. But neither of us renewed our subscription for it and settled on my husband being the “middle man” for communication, which he offered to do. And asked me about it and I told her yes, but because of thanksgiving being his holiday this year my daughter technically wasn’t due to come back home til well after a 14 day quarantine, and i already told her what date would be my 14 days. So my ex’s wife was like well my parents are really high risk so if your ok with it maybe we can work something out, and I was like ok well everyone in my house will have quarantined for a full 14 days after symptoms resolved, I’ll get a note from my doctor too. She said she would like me to have a negative test prior to my daughter coming back here. Fun fact, they do not want you to test after a positive because you can continue to test positive for up to 3 months, even when your no longer contagious. The CDC even says to just quarantine for 14 days and not wait for a negative result. And it wouldn’t be a big deal, but I also work full time and am 32 weeks pregnant and sat in a line wrapped around a building for an hour to get tested the first time, and my state is getting so bad with COVID now that now most places won’t test you unless you’ve had symptoms in the last 24-48 hours or of course we’re exposed. So as you can see getting tested over and over and over is just not realistic. So even though I told her that testing like that is not ideal because I could remain positive for a long time she didn’t care. She even went so far to tell my daughter she will probably not see me for Christmas, and it will be a long time before she comes here. So the whole world gets to follow cdc guidelines while I have to follow their unreal expectations. What would you do? I am so upset I know my legal rights and I’m following the cdc guidelines but they are threatening my daughter telling her if I come to get her when my quarantine is over without a negative test they’ll ground her. I even offered to extend my quarantine out another week just to be safe, even though my husband never tested positive, oh and I offered to have my daughter tested prior to her going back there, a lot of places are doing the rapid result now (if they will even test her without symptoms of course) But here’s the kicker, my mom came by and stayed the night the day before I started to feel sick due to her power going out. And she was soooo sure that there was no way my son picked up covid that she was comfortable with coming here shortly after he had been sick, and a few days after she had been here she started to feel a little off, got tested and was also positive. So my daughter had been in contact with 3 covid positive people all prior to them showing symptoms (and in our case that seems to be when we were the most contagious) . She told her dad and step mom this and what did they do? They took everyone else in their house to get tested but left my daughter at home. When I asked if she had been tested her step mom replied with “she was tested a couple weeks ago” I was blown away. The fact that she even thinks a test administered PRIOR to being exposed was effective is astonishing. I wish I had time to explain our history and how big of bullies they both are and how they treat me like a parasite. And I’m not trying to play victim, it’s just how it is. They told me a couple years ago on a year that I got my daughter for Xmas morning, and she was my only child at the time that I am selfish for not giving her up to them for Christmas morning because it was their baby’s first Christmas and she was legit only 6 months old. And my daughter told them she wanted to be with me that Christmas morning as we had family flying in from out of state and stuff and she was excited for our Christmas together. So just to give you an example of how they treat me, it’s hard to not take this personally. What do you all think? What would you do?