Soo confused with my OPK results

Mia • 35yrs old. Married. Dog Mom. Baby boy - Jan 2019! PCOS. Irregular cycles. TTC for baby #2 🙏🏽

Ladies, a little help please. My opk chart shows that my LH has been fluctuating and now for a 3rd time it’s rising again but never really getting a PEAK OPK. I have PCOS, does this mean (see my chart) maybe I haven’t ovulated?

The opk I got on CD 16 doesn’t look like a peak exactly, my test line never got darker than the control like (but I could have missed that if it was a very short interval). I’m not sure what is going on. My cycles usually range from 30-35 days so I assumed I should ovulate anywhere between day 15 to 20 and now I’m on CD23 and my OPK shows it’s rising again. Last month for sure I ovulated on CD 20 and got a definite peak OPK result (blazing positive).

I’m just confused what is going on with my levels this month!


This is the result I got on CD16 which was the app shows was my peak, but I’m not sure if it was an actual peak or just close to it. So maybe I never ovulated 😳