I don’t know what else to do..


My husband throws everything back into my face.. if I take a nap.. if I go do something for myself.. yesterday I wasn’t feeling good so I took a hour nap.. he played his video game and let our 3 year old do what she wanted.. so fast forward today I’m cleaning and he’s been either playing video games or laying around in bed.. I asked him to help watch our girls.. because my oldest was getting into stuff.. and he said “well I’m only doing what you did yesterday” or few months ago I got a tattoo I saved over a year for it.. and he throws it in my face “i watched the girls while you went out and got tattoos” I can’t do anything without it being thrown back at me.. I honestly can’t do it anymore.. and he doesn’t see an issue at all with what he’s doing.. in his head hes helping.. even if he does dishes once a month..