And it’s another GIRLLLLLL!!


Hello ladies, so yesterday my SIL surprised me and hubby a gender reveal for our 4th baby !!. We had a game, we played a bingo to find out the gender and my brother in law to pop the confetti popper to find out the gender while my SIL call out the word “DAUGHTER ARE A BLESSING” and popped it ! I wasn’t ready as I was paying attention to my bingo card . Lol! I was disappointed and cried to find out another girl, I was really hoping for a boy since I already have 2 girls and 1 boy, it would be nice to make it even. Regardless the gender, I will love her all over endlessly. As long as my babygirl is healthy that’s all it matters !

My last pregnancy ! Lol. I’m so over it . I got too many girls ! 😒😒😒