
I feel so let down. Like my body has failed me. After 2 years of trying and trying, numerous of pills, femara, chlomid, surgery, my body is so warn out and mentally, Im exhausted. After seeing a bfn this morning, cycle after cycle, no answers for why, I just lost it and feel indefinitely done. I guess its time to just be thankful for the kids I do have, though I feel so bad for my husband who doesnt have his own children. Im so lost. Ive exhausted every option there is and my heart breaks for him but for me I just feel like its over. Good luck ladies and I hope you all get your bfp!!!! I pray no one ever has to go through the struggle of infertility. You all have been so kind and helpful, Ive made so many good friends on here and I wish everyone the best on their journey! ❤