Pacifiers for breastfeeding babies?


My baby is 3 months old. I also have an 18 month old.

My oldest was breastfed and took a pacifier just fine. This one however will not. Ive tried a few different ones.

Normally I would have been glad that she doesnt take one because its not a habit I have to break her of even though my 18 month old had no problem weaning from it.

I just want some me time. I love my girls and my husband. I dont get me time though until every one has gone to bed. She wont go to sleep unless shes sucking on my boob and the minute that it seems like Im good to leave and go watch tv or play a game or even just read a book without a child in my lap she wakes up and cries. Shes a hardcore mommas girl and will just cry in daddies arms until im back in with her and shes nursing again. Like she knows when im gone. I get 5 minutes before shes awake and crying.

She uses my boobs for comfort which is fine during the day but at night time I need some time alone to be me and refresh so Im not pulling my hair out the next day.

What pacifer do you get your babies to take?