19W6D and single ladies I just need some advice and support (Long Read šŸ˜…)


So here it goes. Last weekend I decided to kick my partner out of the house and end the relationship. We had been arguing constantly and itā€™s not the first time to attempt putting him out. I know for a fact he isnā€™t a good partner for me and now Iā€™m nervous he will break my babies heart too. Iā€™ve been there for him through everything been his support emotionally and financially. It seems like Iā€™m getting the worst end of the deal for being to selfless and big hearted. Through his eyes he would probably drag me through the mud Bc he doesnā€™t appreciate or acknowledge anything I did for him, early in our move in together and up to 2 months in my pregnancy I would get up at 5 am and whip him up breakfast and lunch, I would have dinner ready by the time he got home. (I should mention we met oct 2019 so the relationship def moved fast) well my nausea got really bad and I couldnā€™t handle waking up thatā€™s early I would spent the first 30-45 min throwing up I no longer had time to cook. And he started treating me bad and neglecting my emotion/struggles so after some time I felt he didnā€™t deserve that treatment. Not that I let him starve but yeah I wouldnā€™t cook all the time and def not at 5 am, but I would still go out my pocket and give him lunch money time and time again. (This might be really long Iā€™m finding this a bit therapeutic the more I put it into text so bare with me and thank you for reading) so we continued to have issues he acted like my family and I owed him something, he would get upset when my mom would come into our room and check up on me, he would tell me I donā€™t respect his privacy and didnā€™t stick up for him. When we lived with his mom I had to please each and every one of her demands, she would get upset if I slept in, she would have me cleaning all the time, she wanted me to scrub the tub after every shower which let to me not even wanting to shower, (she took covid wayyyy to seriously also) and taking out trash all while I was still injured and in my boot I would communicate to my partner that it was starting to become a lot for me physically and he would just say try todo as much as you can ā€œthatā€™s just how she isā€ ā€œshe is old school thinkingā€ I would have to deal with her sending low blows, literally would call me fat, and say that if a woman canā€™t cook or clean she ainā€™t worth nothing. We are of different Latin races and she would laugh when I couldnā€™t make things she would make or tell me I need to learn Bc those are the dishes he liked. And I would just feel let down Bc he could of spoke up for me, I cleaned up after myself I didnā€™t understand why I had todo anything other than that. Yet I was respectful and stacked it up and did it anyways He called my mom out of her name and I never once said anything bad about her or to her. I should also mention another accident early in April this year put me back in my wheelchair and Iā€™m non weight bearing and high risk so I self Inject blood thinner shots daily and Iā€™ve been back in my while hair since April. He constant made me feel terrible for not having sex with him when I just honestly did not feel loved or in the right head space for that. Many times I told him I was feeling depressed and I didnā€™t know what was going on with me. So obviously one time I decided to shave and he immediately thought I must be giving it to someone else which I though was a slap in the face knowing the things I would tell him how I feel.. ( okay I know this is getting long so if your still with me thank you again lol) he has obviously manipulated me and guilt tripped me into feeling bad for many things. So he obviously owes me some money after paying some of it back he still has a few hundred to give back which at this point I feel like Iā€™ll never see and should just forget but I need it. Iā€™m on unemployment I donā€™t get that much and I still manage to have a savings. Which really bothered me a lot Bc he makes over 1k bi weekly and NEVER had money I really though he must be paying some other girls bills or simply blowing it and Iā€™m just always left doubting him in that area Bc of his finances . I tried to help him save so many times by managing his money but he would always dip Into it. He never fixed his car never got his glasses never went to the doc for a sleep test obviously never had the money to pay me back. And there I was lending him my card for gas and food. This last time he was supposed to go drop of his mom at work over the weekend in the am and took 500$ I was saving for him, he ended up staying 3 nights at his mom with no communication with me, so thatā€™s when I pulled the plug which sparked my anger again I asked him why did he take his money but not his belongings and I was hurt Bc I wanted to grab 20$ Bc he had my card and I had no cash. I should also mention I did cheat on him early on so I feel like the relationship should have needed there. I talked things out with him and told him itā€™s his decision and if he wants to be with me I know I would have to put in more to gain his trust back which I did! I feel like I became the woman he wanted and he left me hanging and never became the man he promised. I didnt have a gun to his head forcing him into the relationship. He also doesnā€™t speak on emotions though so I really feel weird about it all and Iā€™ve never been with someone who is not vocal like this. Many times I would ask him questions about our relationship, his input, how to work things out and it was always IDK. (Iā€™m getting to it I promise lol) so now Iā€™ve been sleeping alone which is lonely. At the same time very nice Bc he would snore so loud which was the reason I wanted him to get a sleep apnea test, he would choke in the middle of the night I felt like I was so I tuned with his sleep taht sometime I kid you not I would sit up out of bed a second before he would start coughing and choking and I was there to comfort him and Pat his back and just rub him and tell him to breath and calm down. I would wake up having night mares crying and he would never flinch and the times he would be awake he would just put and arm over me and continue snoring. He has body movements that would hurt me in the middle of the night, nothing to crazy but like and elbow to the back or the back of my head or he would sling his feet over my bad foot which would hurt. (He is like 6ā€™3ā€ and Iā€™m 5ā€™6ā€ so A dead sleep arm and legs were heavy in the middle on of night). I get sad when I see half the closet empty, or start thinking about my baby and how Iā€™m doing the exact same thing I never wanted todo. Bring a child into this world without a positive father figure. Which I know he isnā€™t capable of being. Soo I started to buy some stuff for the baby a crib, changing table, stroller infant seat and a growing baby car seat. I tried to take advantage of the sales over the past weekend still spent a solid buck lol so I had asked him if he was willing to help with the cost but no reply. Later he said he would be buying a set of everything for himself, which just left me with my jaw on the floor like why not help me get some stuff together for our baby if Iā€™m already struggling to in the first place but now you wanna be petty and send silent threats (at least that how I feel) imma be honest I do not want the baby living with him at least not as a new born. He has never help or supported me through the pregnancy with anything he hasnā€™t bought one thing for our unborn child. And a part of me feels like he said that out of anger or a different place and that he isnā€™t gonna follow through I know he is gonna have his mother in his ears about his ā€œrightsā€ which I know he has Iā€™m just feeling territorial ever since I started feeling the little kicks and moments from my baby over the last two weeks. I was let down by my father, and sexually abused by him at a very young age, I donā€™t want our kid to go through Any unnecessary let down and he works all the time never had the energy todo anything with me and his weekend were for the boys. I always told him it was time to let go of some habits and bad bad vices and get into that father thinking mode but never did. He would make it seems like I was nagging. So now Iā€™m left kinda empty handed and broken hearted, I would love to have a civil argument between us, I still have to name our child which Iā€™m debating on letting him be a part of even though I think we both agreed on a first name when we were together and I like it a lot. Should I put his last name ? Should I use my last name? I have an ultrasound in a few day for the anatomy check up and I know he isnā€™t gonna be there Bc he told me himself he doesnā€™t want to miss work I still let him know about it. Should I tell him to be there for labor or just announce itā€™s happening and let him know. Should I be worried or dong anything extra in case he wants to fight over custody?