Supplements ?!


My baby is 10 days old. I had my son at 36+2 on November 22 due to IUGR, decreased movement and low fluid. He was 4lbs 9oz. Very sleepy so the latching isn’t a huge option right now. We still try to latch a few times a day but I mostly pump and give it to him in a bottle. Lactation specialist said he prob won’t have a good latch until around his due date which was Dec. 18.

When I pump, I’m only getting about an oz to 1 1/2oz per 15-20min session.

I went ahead and ordered Legendairy supplements as my milk production with my daughter who was IUGR and had the same latching problems 9 years ago was not good so I’m scared that my supply is going to be bad again.

Is it okay to start taking these or should I give it some more time ?!