Breastfeed after stopping?


My daughter is week old today , I breastfed in hospital but as soon as I got home I switched to formula . I wish I wouldn’t have but at the hospital I was incredibly overwhelmed and didn’t sleep once, my baby had a shallow latch and would NOT detach for more than 5 mins at a time. Now I’m feeling regret and want to try again.. is it to late? I pumped Monday just to get clogs out and I got 3oz each Breast, tried pumping yesterday and I got like half an Oz combined so I’m assuming my supply is drying up. Has anyone gotten their supply back up to be able to try breastfeeding again? I tried nursing her and she freaks after a few minutes I’m assuming because she’s not getting much of anything so I just give her formula . How often would I need to pump? When could I try breastfeeding again , without worrying of not feeding her enough?