Worried: may have a miscarriage


Hi, I went for an ultrasound on Monday, there was just an empty sack, so they said either the timing is off or baby stopped growing at 5 weeks and 4 days. Just got my bloodwork done today to check my HCG levels, if I am around 500 I will have a miscarriage but if they are around 3000 it should be okay. Another ultra sound on the 10th to check. But at my ultra sound on Monday they said my cervix is closed which is good, but I can’t get over this feeling of emptiness and that I will have a miscarriage. I haven’t had a miscarriage Eocene, my first pregnancy resulted in a healthy baby boy how is now two. Not sure what I am asking for, just needed to tell someone and see if anyone else went thru this or maybe what to expect from a miscarriage. Thank you