Smoking whilst pregnant


I'm 7 weeks pregnant and have had a lot of criticism from my GP and the HCA at my go when doing my bloods

Things are said like "you need to stop as you are killing your baby" "this is why you are probably having miscarriages " "why haven't you gone cold turkey, you are damaging yourself and the baby" there's just no support in this when they are aware of my problems.

I have had 3 MC one after another and im pregnant again. This is the furthest I have been and my hcg are increasing a lot so its progressing.

I have cut down drastically, from around 25/35 a day depending on my bad days. To 5 a day. I suffer with mental health BPD, PTSD, depression and anxiety. So a fag is like a mental break for me to just relax so it's been difficult to quit. I finished my previous pouch of tobacco and I promised to not by another one but couldn't help it with the amount of stress im under and bought another.

I have tried no nicotine vaping and as much as it feels good to have the mindset of quitting it does nothing for me and im all over the place

Any suggestions on what to do, what I can do to quit. Criticism is not helping as its making me more stress as there's not any support.

My partner has been supportive by saying how proud he is my cutting to 5 a day, given how stressful it is. But its causing me to be miserable.

Any help would be lovely x

(I hope this is the right group, don't know where else to post as its about pregnancy)