Mom was mean to me, then tried gaslighting me.

So my mom and my sister did something to offend me last night. They were basically bullying me via texts and I was telling them I didn’t like what they were saying and they didn’t stop. So I decided to just ignore them.

Today she FaceTimed me and my daughter and then after a while asked if I was mad about last night and I told her “yes, you and (sister) were bullying me”, she tried to deny it, and I said “no, you guys were being a*holes and I didn’t like it” (I know I could have used a better word, but I was genuinely mad).

She was laughing and saying it wasn’t a big deal, and I said “no, I need to tell you how it made me feel” and then explained why it hurt me and why I felt bullied. She tried explaining it away and getting upset and telling me I was being too sensitive. 

I told her “no, it was rude, and now you’re gaslighting me and trying to make me feel bad for being upset, and that’s abusive”.

She stopped talking and handed my dad the phone (face timing), and my dad talked to me about other stuff, and then we said goodbye and my mom didn’t come back on, or text me.

Now idk what to do as I don’t feel in the wrong at all, but I always feel tremendous guilt when I make my mom upset- and she knows this- even as a kid it used to eat me up alive.

Idk, advice/opinions are accepted, I just needed to vent.