Mental Health

How can you be both completely disgusted by the condition of your home and also have no will to clean it? My house isn’t disgusting, but it needs to be cleaned. I’ve struggled for days and it just gets put off. I feel like a failure, I feel nothing at the same time.

I don’t know what’s going on with me. I feel distant from my family and my child. I just want my husband to notice something is wrong with me. I’ve asked him to help me clean up and I get nothing. I go to bed as soon as I put my child to bed and he thinks that’s normal apparently. I’m struggling so bad I don’t know what to do. When I’m away from home, it’s not as bad. When I’m home it’s like I just sit and feel worse about how terrible a wife and mom I am.

I don’t even know what to do but I need someone to notice I’m not well.