40 weeks


I’m 40 weeks and I still haven’t gone into labor. My husband is on active orders 2 hours away and will have to take emergency leave and meet me at the hospital once I do if I don’t end up having to be induced. But I’ve explained my concerns with the doctors in my office because depending on who’s on call will have to deliver, which is why I had to do rotations with every doctor. But I’m home alone and our parents live in different states but they still told me not to come in unless my water breaks or my contractions get 5-8 minutes apart. My mom said to just go in if they get 12-15 minutes apart because then I could drive myself but I’m scared to go into labor at home alone or if I do go they’ll send me home. My next appointment isn’t until Thursday but should I call them and just address my concerns again because feel like they should make an exception considering I won’t have anyone to take me to the hospital