should i be worried??

just basically last month at the end of the month my bf and I had sex with a condom on two separate occasions tht week so i took two plan bs (one each day of the two separate incidents)- ik this isn’t the best for you but i’ve alrdy spoken to my gyno abt it. anyways then Nov 30 i started bc pills. we then waited 7 days to have sex and then had sex a few times this month with a condum. i think the condum may have broken like twice over the month but i don’t think he had finished yet. according to my app i am 6 days from my period. i am cramping and having headaches and i’m rlly tired and my boobs hurt to press on. (i’ve had headaches off and on for a long time now tho) i’m just so scared that i’m going to be pregant and my period won’t start and i just wanted opinions. i’m 16 btw