If you’re struggling to produce you must read this!!

Courtney • Loving life with my 2 boys 💙

I used to be an over producer and I took that for granted. I stopped pumping every 2-3 hours and was pumping every 4-5. My supply dropped drastically to the point I could only produce enough to feed my son. I started power pumping and it gave me about an extra ounce to set aside for freezing or towards the next feed. I came across these liquid gold pills so I bought it out of faith and IT DID NOT DISAPPOINT!!

Before the pills I’d pump 3-5 oz TOTAL.

After just one and a half days of taking the pills. This was also with just a 2.5 hr wait from the last pump.

After taking some for my sons feeding

TONS left to freeze!! They suggest you take 2 of them 3x a day, but I started off with 2 twice a day. While this may not work for everyone I’d seriously try and see if it works for you!