Dr Mike Scandal, what are your thoughts?


So if you are unsure who Dr Mike is, he's a youtuber and a family medicine doctor, he has a very big following on social media and is a huge voice for the medical community as far as influencers go.

Since the start of the pandemic, he's been talking about the importance of masks, social distancing, staying at home, etc...

He was caught recently on a vacation for his birthday on a yacht with a bunch of friends and models, no masks or social distancing.

Of course people were really upset about it considering he just completely contradicted himself. He put a half assed apology up on his second channel and people are upset cause he's trying to sweep it under the rug.

I feel like people wouldn't have been so upset if he wasn't talking about Covid like he was, its pretty insensitive to be like "oh you guys stay home to keep others safe but I'm gonna go party on my birthday"

I also feel that if he properly apologized then people would've been more accepting.

What do you think? Do you think the backlash he is getting is justified? Do you think he should take responsibility, since he is still going to work and is a social media voice?

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