Confidence post partum

I hope this doesn't make me sound shallow and awful, but I just wanna vent what I am honestly feel in hopes someone else might relate or have advice. I always was a pretty girl growing up it always kinda felt like part of my identity being pretty and thin and it always helped me be very confident. I also take some pride in how much I care for others etc that's not all there is to me, but still. Now my body is completely changed since having a baby even 9 months post partum it's just different and I have a very gnarly c section scar and my hair is still thinned and not good and I even have some hormonal acne I'm not used to. I feel like im unattractive to my husband or like I can't compare to all the other women he sees throughout life anymore and almost feel guilty for my appearance and more insecure than I've ever felt and just like I'm not me anymore like I'm in someone else's body and it's making me feel really depressed and I feel like it's affecting my relationship with my husband how insecure I've become and it's really hard bc Idk how to fix it. Changing diapers all day doesn't make me feel like a smart independant pretty young woman either ya know like I used to feel. I was a college student when my husband and I got married and got instantly pregnant and I've never felt like the same young girl I feel like I've aged a million years in 2 years. I keep feeling like eventually I'll be back to my normal self, but every month goes by and I feel just as sleepy and ugly and just bad like I just had my baby still. That's quite a lot I know, but I needed to vent.

Side note: OFCOURSE I would do this again I love my son SO much more than I could've ever imagined and I love being a mom and everything this is just the one struggle that has been most hard amongst a million great things.