So worried I don't know why

Ok so im pregnant with my 4th, I have 3 boys and I found out my 4th is a girl I am beyond excited but since the begin little after I found out I was pregnant im have a feeling something is wrong with the baby. Im so worried that baby is not healthy. Idk if its my first girl that I wanted so bad now that I have her, im feeling like this. I just want her to be healthy and perfect. I've gotten blood work and anatomy scan done everything came back good and healthy but I don't understand why am feeling like this i just feel so depressed and scared. idk if maybe cause I didn't take my prenatal vitamins before I got pregnant like with the others. This one was not planned or not sure since I was exposed to using raid at my home due to insects couple of times I looked it up and it said it can be harmful. not im so scared that could of caused damage to my baby. please help. did anyone feel like this after already having kids.