Has sex gotten better or worse for you?//VENT

Sex has been pretty terrible for me since I got pregnant. I’m only about 7 weeks. My vaginal discharge is thicker now and not really slippery like it used to be... so that makes sex worse but it’s also the fact that I’m having a hard time even getting turned on. I feel like I can’t feel my clit, reaching orgasm is taking forever or it just doesn’t happen at all... I’m not feeling any pleasure inside of my vagina i almost don’t feel anything. And what’s worse is I’m kindve repulsed by my baby daddy.. the way he smells is killing me. Even his cologne that I used to love is now incredibly aggravating plus he’s a smoker and I used to not mind the smell of cigarettes but somehow they smell like dog piss to me now.. also he’s got a bad cavity in one of his teeth and it’s all I can smell when he talks to me. And I just am not that into him lately. We were only together two months when I got pregnant Found out he was cheating on me for the whole two months. I actually broke up with and blocked when I found out he had another girl and a few days after breaking up with him I found out I was pregnant. For some reason I agreed to trying to make things work w him once I found out I was pregnant/ he left the other girl.. but Im really not feeling it. I really dont have any feelings for him. I’m sure that has a lot to do with why I can’t get into sex with him... I feel bad it seems like I’m talking a lot of trash about him but it’s just this pregnancy nose and hormones... everything and I mean EVERYTHING smells so effing gross to me and I’m extremely irritable. We have scented trash bags and now they smell like dog shit. Everything smells like dog shit. Even coffee. And everything makes me feel sick. Even hearing songs I don’t like makes me feel nauseous. Im getting off topic but originally I started typing this to vent about how sex sucks for me now and I thought it was supposed to get better when you’re pregnant....