I am proud of myself

I’m not shaming teen moms. Almost ALL of my friends are teen moms. They either started having babies as teenagers and have 2-3 kids now or they’re like me and don’t have any.

I wasn’t doing anything different than any teen mom was doing when they got pregnant, other than being extremely paranoid about getting pregnant. Like I said my friends are teen moms and only one of them said she got pregnant on BC, my other friends stuff like “I just didn’t think about it.” “I was one of those dummies who thought it couldn’t happen to me.”

And again no hate. I think that for some of my friends, having a baby so young caused them to get their life together, stop doing drugs and wreckless shit and get a job and try to support their kid/s and then school on top of that and no sleep like being a teen mom is hardcore. I’m telling you, they have my mf respect because I couldn’t have done that.

All I’m saying is that I’m glad I didn’t have to work so hard like that. I’m so glad I used birth control and condoms. I took my pill everyday at the exact same time. Because I had been watching my friends become teen mothers.. then telling me their stories about the family drama, how much trouble they were in. Being kicked out..the idea of getting pregnant scared the shit out of me so I was very paranoid. I’ve made it to almost 25 with no kids because I remained cautious about it. I’ll have kids when I’m good and ready and want them. I’m proud of myself for succeeding at not accidentally getting pregnant because I had safe sex. I’m glad I got to enjoy my teen years without a baby keeping me up all night, and that working as a teen was an option because I lived at home and didn’t have a child to help support. I’m glad I got to be a lazy 16 year old who slept all of Christmas break. I watched my teenage friends FORCED to become adults and I’m so glad I didn’t have to do that.