Covid while pregnant?

Has anybody gotten covid during pregnancy? What was it like?

My church is still open currently and that's the only place I've been going besides shopping. I found out today that 6 people who attend my church has had positive covid tests in the last week. Two days ago I started to feel sick like I was getting a cold, today I notice a decrease in taste and I can't smell anything. I've also been super tired and my whole body aches.

I have a Dr appointment this week so I'm gonna mention it and see what I can do to get tested. At my last appointment she prescribed me aspirin and said that's what they give the pregnant covid patients.

I had a friend who's further along than me get covid and she recovered quickly and her and the baby were fine, I'm just a highly paranoid person and want to make sure me and baby are okay. I'm definitely not attending church again until this is over though, that's for sure.

****I didn't even think about exposing others 🤦‍♀️ I'm gonna call tomorrow and let them know I suspect I have it and try to get tested as soon as I can. Thanks for all the comments! Everybody stay safe!