Down syndrome pregnancy

I'm posting anonymous as I dont want to get a lot of hate

I just found out I can have a chance of having a baby with ds they gave me 3 options

1 to wait till my 20 week scan (I'm 14 weeks now) and see if there is any abnormalities on the scan

2 have invasive testing of going in and taking amniotic fluid or a bit of the placenta to do testing but have chance to miscarriage

3 terminate the pregnancy

When I found out I'm upset as thought I was having a healthy baby. I know I won't beable to look after a child with special needs as I have depression and anxiety so my mental health goes down alot and I already have a 2 year old. I do have family who will help and I'm in the UK so would get help and disability pay but I don't care about the money I just don't think I can handle a child with ds. I dont know if I can go through with the pregnancy I was super excited when I found out I was pregnant but knowing I have a chance to have a ds baby I dont think mentally I can do it. What should I do. I dont want to terminate then knowing it was a healthy normal baby