My best friend leaked my sex tape


So basically i had this best friend let’s call her and lily. Lily and i wanted weed, so we hit up one of our friends for weed and he agreed for us to come over about 12:30am. I decided i would have sex with him and brought condoms. When we were walking to his house there was this trailer that was rattling like there was someone in there so we ran all the way to his house because we were so scared (this is  relevant for later). We got to his house and he has told us he spilt the weed.So we headed up to his room and we were sitting and talking. Then it was time for me to have sex with him. I asked lily to go outside of his room and she refused to, she said that she wouldn’t look or turn around and i agreed. So we going at it and she continuously says things such as you two look like porn stars (mind you were 15 and in australia the legal age of consent is 16 but if your the same age you cancel each other out and isn’t illegal) and that we were so hot. Me and this boy were asking her to join in she said no and we joked around and said you should sit on his face but she said no and we left it alone after that. About an hour later she tells us that she had filmed us having sex. I told her to delete it and sent it to me because i wanted to have a look. She sent it to me but never deleted it. Then on the monday i get a call from this other girl i’ll call her molly, molly tells me she has seen the video. i freak out and call lily and lily tells me she showed molly and she had recorded from her phone and was sending it around school. Then on the tuesday the school finds out and takes lily’s statement but not mine. Lily had completely changed the story and said i forced her to sneak out and i forced her to film and that i airdroped the video around the school even tho i wasn’t at school to begin with. The police get involved and my mum was contacted and so was his mum. She completely blocked me and wouldn’t talk to me. Then on the friday i have a complete mental break down and get sent to a psych ward for 4 days. Once i came out of the ward o had to go to a meeting with the school and they wanted to kick me out, even after knowing my side of the story. The police didn’t really contact me about my story then one day me and my mum showed up to the police station and i told my side of the story. The officer sees through her bullshit, but nothing is done about her. Because she was 14 she cannot be charged. If she were to be of age she would have at least 6 charges on her including filming child abuse material, distributing child abuse material, defamation of character, lying to police, lying about rape (ill get to that later) and harrassment. A week later she claimed that he had raped her and i had sexually assaulted her. If he had done that i would have said something to the police but he didn’t. She has completely made a mockery out of us. We are not would back at our school and being forced to go to a new one. On the plus side me and him are together now and i’m much happier and so is he.