Birth control question

I personally am not a huge fan of birth control but i also don’t want another baby for a couple years atleast 😬 I also can’t stand condoms and just don’t want to have to worry. I’m trying to decide what form I want to do... I’m almost 2 weeks postpartum so I want to do everything at my 6 week appointment. Please share your favorites. Here are some of my thoughts and about me if you have a similar situation I’d appreciate your opinion too as I know we are all so different!

Struggled with unexplained fertility for years, I don’t have pcos or endometriosis. Had a fallopian mass and once that was removed I got pregnant immediately. I have long cycles normal 35+ days but short periods 3-5 days. I do t want to do a nexplanon. I’m concerned birth control is going to mess with me too much. I haven’t had sex with my husband only a couple times in 9 months... so I don’t want anything that’s gonna mess with my hormones and make me not horny 😂😅 I’m interested in iud and the shot but don’t know much about the shot. I’m also interested in just a pill. The iud sounds nice not to worry but I worry I’ll have a reaction to it, and then it will be a pain to get removed. I really want to be educated on what I’m putting in my body and not just take whatever. Sorry if this is long and doesn’t make sense 😬 but I appreciate all the birth control advice!