Bad dreams mean...?

Does anyone have any bad dreams regarding your relationship and they come at random times and consistently? One of my friends told me it’s a sign and I stupidly went through his ENTIRE phone while sleeping and found nothing (besides him using my chipotle rewards to get himself a free burrito 😒).

Throughout our 6 year relationship I’ve had bad dreams about him cheating, leaving me, flirting with my best friend, flirting with my sister, etc. And it’s maybe one dream every other month. And it’s annoying! The dreams feel so real so when I see him kissing him another girl or see him flirting with someone I care about, it’s hard to get it out of my head. Now I don’t ever hold it against him cause I know it’s not real but I wish they’d go away. I mean who really wants to see their significant other kiss another girl let alone your family/BFF?

Now he’s never cheated on me but he has hurt me before and maybe it stems from that? Idk but I’m just tired of dreaming and want them to go away. 😞