I need advice!


My little girl is almost 3 months and formula fed. We stopped breastfeeding around 6 weeks as there were too many issues (I continued to pump for a while after). She was constantly gassy, would cry during feedings, wouldn't stay latched etc. We think she may have a cows milk protein sensitivity but not 100% sure. I basically gave up and really regret it! I breastfed her older brother until he was almost a year old. I'm wondering if maybe I should give it another go? I know relactation is definitely possible since I've done it in the past but I'm worried if I put the work in to get my milk supply back, things will just be the same. Of course she's used to a bottle now but when I put her to my breast all she does is cry. I personally prefer breastfeeding over formula

after experiencing both. I just find all the washing, sterilizing etc so time consuming. Not to mention formula is expensive! Maybe we wouldn't have these issues because she's a little older? Or maybe things would be the same. What would you do? I'm fine with continuing formula but I miss the closeness of nursing.