Moms with multiples


Currently 3 months pregnant and also breastfeeding and my on told me told me today that I should consider switching to formula soon because breastfeeding can cause contractions / preterm labor. Obviously I trust the doctor and don’t want to do anything to hurt my baby. I just want to know if anyone has kept breastfeeding or gone through this. I’m sad because I want to continue to breastfeed my first till when ever, you know. I love that bond I have with him and I love bf even if it’s hard lol I guess I just needed to vent a it about because my husband didn’t want to hear and he wants me to stop bf already (everyone does because supposedly he is “too” attached to me 🙄) anyways, I’m thinking in 3 months to start weeding him off. Or I don’t know if I should do it now since my husband is home for 3 weeks and he can help. I’ve heard the baby sometimes won’t take bottle from mom since he knows or something like that. Idk any advice?