What’s going on?


My son will be 14 weeks tomorrow. For the past week or so, his sleep has been SOOOO off. I can’t let him down or he wakes up, he falls asleep at 9 and it’s awake at 1, 1:30 and then he nurses NONSTOP the rest of the night. If I try to lay him down or give him his pacifier or just have him unlatch he starts to get mad and kick and wiggle around. I tried nursing on my side so I could atleast rest alittle and be comfortable but he’s calmer when I’m sitting up for some reason. When I tried nursing on my side he would constantly unlatch and latch on and kick around, occasionally fussing if he couldn’t latch back on immediately. I don’t know what’s going on... before this, he’d be asleep around 8:30, 9 until 4 or 5, he’d wake up nurse for a alittle and then back to sleep till 8 or 9 in the morning. He puts up a fuss alittle falling asleep for the first time and tonight’s the first night he actually refused to feed and try to fall asleep until after 9. I was under the impression he was going through a growth spurt but it’s never later this long or been this bad in the past. He’s starting to teeth but isn’t fussy in the day about it at all... he doesn’t bite down on me or wake up acting like he’s in pain. When he wakes at 1:30 (used to be 4 or 5) he’s super happy and not fussy at all. Is this the sleep regression? He doesn’t keep waking up and wanting to stay awake but still wakes up so much now compared to before. His schedule during the day hasn’t changed at all. It’s literally just at night.

ANY tips are welcome. Please help. I have mastitis so I’m exhausted already and feel horrible all over and need some rest.