Worst Christmas to Date

Ok so my husband and I have been Rocky for a few years now. I always do my best to resolve with emotional acknowledgment and let as much go as possible.

Over the years he has gotten so mean. Like mean, mean. And he flips out whenever we talk about anything other than super duper happy things on my end, or whatever he wants to talk about positive or negative. Basically as long as I’m not dropping even an ounce of having a bad day, getting my feeling a hurt, and struggling with anything, he’s happy. He is super hyper sensitive and really has zero idea how to emotionally <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.nurture">nurture</a> me (it always has to be about him)

He had been wanting to move 4 hours away to Los Angeles for years because he is into acting. It’s not my first choice but I have been prepared to make that move for him! We have never been able to due to a crazy circumstance that came up every time, like last time, I had just given birth to our son and we decided to stay near family. Well our lease is just about up, I lost my job due to Covid and have been trying to make ends meet with a coaching business I just started.

Also, I just found out yesterday we are expecting our second child, that we were not ready for. I told him maybe LA isn’t good this time because it’s hard enough now with 1 baby like I feel isolated and lonely and it’s really stressful because he locks himself away in his office for 12-15 hours per day and only comes out for food and sex. I said I’d like to wait, or we can also compromise and move somewhere in between here and LA. But that I’m concerned for my mental well being. Also, I told him I would be more comfortable with it if our marriage was doing better because he has threatened to leave several times in the pst year.

Long story short, he’s not wanting to compromise, he will move, and he doesn’t want me coming with him. He proceeded to hold my unemployment over my head (mind you I have paid half our bills for 9 years until THIS MONTH, and there were times he was down on his luck too and I happily did what I could to help him financially because duh marriage) He proceeds to go on and on about how ungrateful I am and how we don’t have a partnership or a marriage and was LIVID that I said our marriage wasn’t doing so great (as if that was news...?)

So. Hours before we host my family tonight and his tomorrow for Christmas, and one day after telling him we’re expecting again, he dumps me. I am trying to keep my stress level down because I’m fucking pregnant but holy shot. Who does that? And how did that escalate so fast?! And why can’t I have wine right now? And what the actually fuck?