Starting Daycare


So my 3mo son will be starting daycare in there new year. We didn't do daycare when my first wad an infant, timing worked out and family was able to watch her until she started daycare at 1yo. I have 2 "problems":

First, my son will not take a bottle from my in laws. I have been able to get him to eat both expressed breastmilk and formula from a bottle and so has my husband. Today he stayed with my FIL from 11am-530pm and did not eat. I don't know what to do. How can I help him transition to taking a bottle from others?

Second, I was going to use today as a sort of guide on how much milk to send to daycare next week. With him not eating I don't know how much he actually eats each feeding. How much do y'all send to daycare in each bottle?