Another baby???


Is anyone actively trying or wanting to have another baby already?? 😫😫 Omg... I had baby blues with my daughter who's 3 months old now and it took me a good minute to jump into motherhood and love it. She had colic, a milk allergy and reflux so she whines/fuses a lot. But she's better now and I just keep thinking about having allllll the babies! Ahhh. It's crazy. I used to swear I was one and done (after I first had her because of the baby blues and being so depressed) but now I'm like okay baby when do you want another 🤣🤣 we more than likely won't start trying again until she's at least 1 because I want to enjoy her but I can't stop thinking about more! And I loveddddd being pregnant. Am I crazy and alone? 🤣🤣