You are not entitled to this

I’m really really getting sick of the attitude I get from a specific person when I’m asked Spur of the moment to baby sit for little to no pay.

I’m an actual, qualified, complete certified nanny.

She told me “I’ll pay you $30 to watch them over night. I’m not paying more than that because I’m not paying someone to watch my kids sleep all night. I usually wouldn’t pay at all but it’s New Years.”

You know what I used to charge? You know what my friends who were also nannies used to charge? $30 an hour. Even during sleep times.

You know what we charge on holidays? $60 an hour because it’s a luxury, you’re taking someone’s holiday from them to sit in with your kids.

But I’m family so, they are entitled to my care for little to nothing. Spur of the moment.

I should forget the fact that it’s my 7th anniversary with my SO, I should forget the plans I have with him and the bottle of wine we saved for tonight and explain to him that we have to forgo what we had planned for weeks because I am somehow OBLIGATED to watch my family members kids spur of the moment so that they can go out to a major event during a massive PANDEMIC and “get as shit faced as we can and not have to worry about kids.”

Not only do they feel entitled to all this, they feel entitled to treat me like SHIT when I say no, and that I already have plans. I’m not just telling my so that we aren’t celebrating our anniversary this year. If he did that to me I’d not only be hurt, I’d be pissed. We are both really looking forward to this.

I am really about to start distancing myself.

This is not something that’s new, it happens often. I do give them breaks, OFTEN because I love my nieces and nephews and I do it for free, but they are really trying to take advantage of me and I’m not with it.

But I’m not going to say YES, forgo what I had planned and miss out. They can stay at home with their kids. They aren’t going to die if they can’t go out and get shit faced. Welcome to parenthood where you can’t make spur of the moment plans and do anything you want anytime you want.

People have their own lives.

If you’re on their side you are just as bad as they are, I cannot comprehend how any adult thinks this behavior or astounding sense of entitlement is even remotely acceptable.

I even have to explain that the first time I say no means no.

It doesn’t mean wait until the next day, ask again and get extremely shitty with me when I say no again.