Breakup and new girl

I dated a guy for 1 year, 4 months.

Eventually he became toxic and emotionally abused me.

He met a girl who he said was his mate but I had suspicions.

He hid her from me and started lying.

He spent time round hers but told me he was at somebody else’s.

I had a gut instinct something was going on.

I once told him I was worried and he made me feel stupid for being worried and got annoyed.

We ended up breaking up and he blames the whole breakup on me and said I wasn’t good enough even though I’d done nothing but love him the whole time and put up with his shit.

The next day he went and met up with her and kissed her.

He is now getting with her.

He clearly liked her while with me and my gut feelings was right.

I’m guessing the real reason we broke up was because he wanted her, not me.

I wasn’t enough, again!

And he chose her, the girl he told me not to worry about!

And he’s already kissed her, the day after!

And what sort of girl does that?!

I’m mad at them both, so mad! And so hurt!