Am I a bad person?


I dated this boy for a little while and we ended very bad like VERY bad lol he got with my best friend when I left for college and stuff and we also did bad things to each other after just to be petty. I have a new boyfriend now and things are going great. I feel bad because I still think about my ex sometimes (not in a sexual/romantic way) i’m just still very mad about how things ended and we never got closure which i’m hearing is fake but it’s still on my mind. Like sometimes i wanna say sorry to him and talk it out so we’re not on bad terms anymore bc that’s just who i am but i hate him so much at the same time for what he did. it still sticks with me to this day and it gave me trust issues that i accidentally brought into my new relationship. point is, am i a terrible person for still thinking about my ex and being stuck on our situation? i really don’t want to get back with him or anything it just kinda bothers me :/