
Hello, I have a son that just turned 3. He is speech delayed. Might be on the spectrum of autism. Still working somethings out) he will start school in January

He doesn’t like when people come up and try to pick him up. Even family members. I’m ok with this. I don’t see anything wrong. He will flip out until they put him down and he will come to me or my husband. My mother always ask what’s wrong with him every time he does that. Loook I don’t know what wrong and I don’t know why he does that

Well yesterday she came to drop off a Jeep car for him. And he was scared of it.. he didn’t wanna get on. She dragged him onto it and I said “LEAVE HIM ALONE, he doesn’t wanna get on it.

She says “ we are playing”

I said “ it doesn’t like look it, please leave him alone. If you keep forcing him he will rebel.

Well after that I went to wipe his nose and he didn’t let me.

Sarcastically she said “ don’t force him or he will rebel”

I said “ I know what your trying to do. You need to stop.”

She asked where her chairs and table were. I went and got them from the garage

When I come back

she says “ look at him with his tablet babysitter “

Me.”why would you say that? Don’t ever say that again”

Her. “He’s 3 and your cousin daughter is the same age and does more than him”

Me “she’s 3 1/2 and he just turned 3.”

My cousin who was also there said well my daughters go to school.

My mom looked at him “well maybe he will finally learn something “

Me: whats wrong with you?

Her: nothing , I’m leaving.

Says bye to my cousins daughters

And doesnt even Acknowledge my son.

My cousin told me after my mom left that my mother told her “ look at him trying to find his tablet, well at least you spend time with your kids” meaning I don’t spend anytime with my son

Now what do I do? I’m pissed. I don’t want anything to do with her if she is gonna act like that towards him. The funny thing is my son will go up to people when he is comfortable and play with them. But her never.

Any advice?