Placenta Previa for the 1st time

SpicyMami • 👧🏾2k11👼2k18 🌈👶🏽3-2020 👧🏾4-21

I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for the worst, though I'm praying for the best. I was so hype for my anamoly scan and was diagnosed with placenta previa at 21 weeks. My regular Dr is out and the Dr. I saw just told me it's just a case of bad luck and I may have to deliver sooner than 39 weeks. I go to MFM in a week to see if it has moved.

So, I'm curious if any moms have ever had PP that DIDN'T resolve and what was the outcome? Did you get placed on bed rest? When did you have baby? 

This baby will be a scheduled C-Section due two priors.