My ttc journey .. please read


My partner and I can’t have kids due to

him having cancer a while back . Long story short the spot where they had to do chemo and radiation killed all the sperm he had but luckily he banked the good sperm he did have before treatment , I know this because he did a sperm count 2 years ago and he had nothing , it was devastating . So We did 5 rounds of <a href="">IUI</a> , and nothing happened. When we’ll want to try again we’d have to do <a href="">IVF</a> BUT unfortunately I need to lose some weight before I start my <a href="">IVF</a> journey. Another part of the story is .. My boyfriend has 4 sisters who all have kids , which is very very very hard . So every once in a while they’ll ask us when are we having kids . They have no clue about our situation. His sister just called us and told my boyfriend she had a dream that I was pregnant , I broke down and cried , I want it to be true so bad but I know in my heart it’s not .... i keep struggling about the decision to tell them about our situation . For me it’s very hard to talk about and its kinda personal . . I guess I just need some support and advice , it’s been really hard 😢