No favourites!


Hubby and I got a few pets, and I have a favourite ever since i first saw her! She just took my heart. My husband on the other hand never said he had a favourite, until

She is glued to him, he can walk the dog outside and she will sit on his shoulder the whole time, rain, wind, cold or not, it just doesn't matter as long as shes with him.. so i asked him the other day, if he still has no favourites, and this cuteness was laying

Like that next to him.. its safe to say, he has a favourite now 😂

I had to share it cuz i find it so adorable, this is the only pet of ours that likes him over me.. Its the cutest thing ever, i can just watch them sleep the whole day and I'll still find it cute whenever i see it 🥰😍

More pics of our no-tail baby 💙

Have a lovely new year ladies!!