Long rant

My fiance went back to work and my job hasn't called me back..he uses my car and I stay at home with the baby. So I do everything I can and have the house clean and make food, etc. Hes so damn bossy and it's been bugging me. And I just sometimes ignore it or just do it. But I exploded today because yesterday I was really sad and he knew it and he told me to not he sad and tried giving me advice and he instead of letting me vent he said I know what you're going to say but you're going down a spiral and I'm giving you this advice because I want us to have a good day. Fine. I changed my mood. Then he saw how the stroller wheels looked when we went to the store and he said what happened and I told him when the baby and I went for a walk outside, leafs got on there and he said why I haven't cleaned it. It was like 2 days. And I said because I was cleaning the house and cooking and it just slipped my mind. Then he said well you have to start doing things because these things are important and you need to be more mindful but in a tone like a parent is talking to a child. I just said ok and stayed quiet. Then today he's talking our plan for the day and then I started talking and said idk 3 times when trying to ask him something and he said I'm losing you here, when you talk to people. Don't say idk. Again, in a tone like I'm his child. Then 5 minutes later we were talking and he gave me crap about not getting kitchen floor mats from khols and I remember checking online and they're all expensive and not our style. So I told him that I haven't checked since the end of Dec and he said. You have to be on this stuff. I thought you were going to look for them and all this stuff and I just exploded. And then I tried to tell him how frustrating it is for me sometimes and he kept interrupting me and I was only talking for 20 seconds and he said that I'm talking to much and I have to let people talk . And we argued and he can't admit how sometimes that can be frustrating. I don't give him a hard time when he comes home from work and forgets to take the trash out or if he just wants to relax all day playing video games or of he forgets to do something that quite frankly. Isn't the end of the world if he does. Then he says b*tching and nagging when all I'm trying to say is that I'm frustrated. Then he tells me to leave him alone and to go back to sleep because he's going to have a good morning even if it kills him. He got mad because I responded to him coldly when he was telling me all these things and he didn't like my additude . And apparently I'm supposed to just basically say he's right and get on top of things . Which I also feel if he'd use a different tone and it just wouldn't be so constant. It wouldn't bother me. But he even made fund of how I walked bringing the groceries upstairs and because I was tired and they were heavy. He mocked my walking and breathing. Idk. I had a bad day yesterday and now it's even worse and idk what to say or do.