Possible HSV breakout

Spirit Momma Bursey • Spiritual momma. 6 earthside, 6 as angels but love enough to fill my soul. The end of an era. Newest, and last, little born 02/28/24. Momma loves you all my littles.

So in a nutshell I've had HSV type 1 for close to 4 years, only breaking out in one place when I would wear pads. For years I juay thought they were these types of friction burns from wearing a pad 24 hours a day for 7-10 days but early in this pregnancy I wore one pad for a day while I treated a yeast infection and found out it was genital herpes type 1. We believe mt husband had a cold sore that was not yet noticeable.

Anyways, I haven't had a breakout since I found out I had it.

But last night I woke up in a lot of pain in my mouth. The right side of tje roof of my mouth is red, swollen, painful ans burning, and starting to get white spots.

I thought it qas from wearing my dentures but it's been three days since then and ir just started lasy night.

My.OBGYN did give me a script to start as a prevention method so I have no breakouts before birth. Usually they start at 36 weeks but I've been in prodromal labor so they decided to start me early.

I haven't picked up the meds yet do to personal reasons of not being able to get in the car but will be sending my husband today.

My question is I guess does this sound like an HSV breakout?

Right side on the roof of my mouth, really swollen, red with some white spots starting to sjow.

Pain is also radiating up the side of my nose and over my eye to above my eyebrow.

I'm 35+3 days pregnant as well.

I have contacted my OBGYN but wanted to ask here also.