Am I overreacting??

I’m 24 weeks pregnant. I’ve always been a very heavy smoker, and I made it my New Years resolution to not do it anymore until my baby is born in April. I’ve smoked with this pregnancy because of my horrible morning sickness and with that I’ve been struggling, but my significant still smokes everyday. I asked him if he could not do it around me, bring it home or if he could maybe even go until April until our baby is born so that I don’t get any urges. This was only yesterday and today he brung it home and it was so hard not to give in but I didn’t! However I’m upset with him because I feel like we’re a team, and If I can be strong and stop he could do it too because I’m at a point where I need his help to get through this and he’s making it accessible to me and saying things like “why do I have to stop just because you have to?” Am I being selfish or overreacting or is he legit an asshole? I just want to know from other ppls opinions.