Confused and really nervous about a guy I like❤️

I’m SO sorry for the long text, but I literally don’t have anyone to ask for advice😭I don’t have a close relationship with my older sister and all my friends also know this guy... I would really appreciate ANY KIND of insight from you ladies!!❤️

Ok so I’m a senior in high school and have this one super sweet and nice guy in my class. He’s training to be a professional athlete, is at the top of the class, always helps everyone with their assignments, never gets mad or frustrated and is just an overall sweetheart.

I’ve been at this school for the past 2 years and during this time every once in a while he’s shown interest in me- always texted me first, asked my help with assignments even though I’m sure he could’ve easily done them himself, always gave me sweets and chocolates as a thank you for the help. So naturally I was like “ok this could really turn into something” and was really excited.

But every time this happened he got distant afterwards and wouldn’t talk to me at all. I was new at the school, so I asked my girlfriends who knew him what that was all about. WELL they told me that he has a girlfriend, but they always argue, she goes out with other guys and it’s just a constant struggle between them...

I decided not to get involved or start any drama, so we just kind of stopped talking...

When this school year started he was SO HAPPY to finally talk to me in person, we bonded once again as if we never stopped talking. Then COVID hit and we’ve been distance learning since November, so naturally we couldn’t talk in person or see each other at school.

Fast forward to my birthday on Dec 21 he writes me the LONGEST AND SWEETEST bday message, it was so personal and heartfelt I almost teared up...❤️We’ve been talking everyday since then, but it’s mostly casual- like he’ll make jokes, ask me about my childhood, plans for the future BUT sometimes he slides in a sweet compliment and I’m literally so confused...

I went to his social media and....the only photo he had with his girlfriend is gone.. I feel uncomfortable asking him about it because we’ve never talked about her and maybe he just sees me as a friend...He’s not a big social media guy either, so maybe deleting a photo isn’t a big deal for him?? But last night we were talking and he was really stressed about his family, I was giving him advice and he said that he was really thankful and that talking to me was the best thing that could happen to him at that moment..