Transitioning from bassinet to crib


Please no mommy shaming but I am a single mom my son is 6 months old, he has slept in his bassinet in my room since he was born he also used a snuggle me organic pillow to help keep him from rolling and he has outgrown the bassinet and pillow, well I have started trying to let him sleep in his crib at night and he wakes every 2-3 hours (he doesn’t want bottles at this time he just needs his pacifier) but he insists on sleeping beside me. I am not one for co sleeping (I know how dangerous it is and from day one I’ve been against it) especially now since he is rolling and crawling and so I really need good advice on how to get him transitioned where he doesn’t need to sleep next to me and where he will sleep in his crib during the night. I have a baby monitor and the owlet sock on him but I just don’t know what the best way to approach this is and I would love to hear everyones stories and what helped them, i know cribs need to be empty but is there certain things that can make him feel more at home in his crib? Thanks in advance!