I'm finally done for good (long post)


My father is a narcissist. He has been toxic and emotionally abusive to me my whole life, I didn't see it when I was a child but a few years ago I started to. He has destroyed my self esteem and always made me doubt myself. About a year and a half ago there was and insident that truely made me see who he is, he started lying to me about things and when I called him out on it he slapped me so hard I was bleeding. After he did that I told him to get out of my house (my parents are divorced) and he got so mad he choked me. After that night I didn't talk to him for six months, and for whatever stupid reason I let him back in my life. It was okay for a few months until he started to try and manipulate me again. He has been pretty persistent about me getting a job, I was still in high school and had had one before, but I couldn't balance both and my grades suffered so I stopped and decided to get one after I graduated. But he wanted me to get one immediately. He said I had to get a job or he wouldn't help my mom pay for a trip for my orchestra which ended up getting cancelled anyway(covid). I know this sounds reasonable and I have no problem getting a job, but he also does things like this, he will say he wants something in exchange for something and then back out of it after I do it. He did this when he I called him out for lying to me when he physically abused me. I knew that if I got one he would say "you have a job, pay for it yourself". I was mildly annoyed at him trying to manipulate me so I didn't talk with him much for a couple weeks. About 2 weeks later out of the blue he came to my house screaming that I stole two bottles of a prescription allergy medication from his house (I have horrible allergies) even though I had my own prescription of it and you couldn't get high off of it so it wasn'tlike I was abusing it, he demanded I give him his key back, which I did do. After that I decided that I was done putting up with him. He was projecting his drug abuse on me (he has been to prison twice for drug abuse) and he has projected other shit that doesn't make since and tries manipulating me. I haven't seen him since then and its been almost a year, I don't plan on seeing him again. After he got out of prison he moved in with his (now ex) girlfriend and she hated me. She made me feel so unwelcomed in their home, and when I told him he ignored it and chose her for 10 years over his daughter. His girlfriend now (her name is Annette) is very nice but can't see what he is doing to me. My 11 year old dog also passed away the day after Christmas and I got a text from hom saying "sorry to hear about Ariel (my dog), I love you, please help me fix this." Ans another text saying "I can come for moral support, we don't have to talk about our "other issues" in quotations. This really pissed me off because I had just lost the thing I loved most in this world and he is trying to make it about him, and he also acts like the problems we have aren't important. This happened the other night, he sent me an email with a half ass apology, claiming he doesn't know why I'm mad (I've told him, my mom has told him, his girlfriend has told him, and his mother has told him)

He then wouldn't stop texting me or my mom demanded we respond to him, even though we were busy, and then he shows up outside my house demanding I talk to him. This scared me because the last time he was at my house he screamed at me and accused me of stealing, and the time before that was when he physically abused me. I refused to even open the door for him and told him he needed to leave.

And then after he left he sends me another incredibly rude email about how I'm so disrespectful and acting like a child.

He is an asshole and I'm done with his shit. And I'm going to look back and know I made the right choice and laugh at how he thinks I need him.