Terrible twos at 18 months?

Kacee • 💍💕10-29-18 💙👶🏼07-01-19 💙👶🏼04-06-21 ☠💀xray tech

Ladies.. I am struggling.. I need advice, tips, something.. my little guy just turned 18 months and I feel like he's entering the terrible twos. He wakes up sweet as can be but hes cut back on his naps for the past few months hes only been napping once a day for maybe 2 or 2.5 hours. He throws temper tantrums where he lays on the floor and cries. When I tell him no to something he constantly ignores me and tries to do it anyway until he ends up crying on the floor because I won't give in. He takes his anger out on toys or pushing the dogs (when I tell him he needs to be nice to the dogs and say sorry he turns around and hugs them). I just don't know how to handle it.. im also 27 weeks pregnant and my patience is wearing thin because I'm uncomfortable on top of it. Im also a SAHM so I feel like I should have all the patience in the world but at the end of the day I just want to curl in a ball and cry because I don't feel like I handle the day well. I feel like such a shitty mom for losing my patience, I try to take deep breaths before responding and I give him his space to feel his feelings but idk if what I'm doing is ok or is going to create a monster child.