Fertility issues (husband)


We have been trying for over 20 months for baby #2. My husband and I both decided to have appointments to make sure everything was okay. My appointment was all great, everything checked out. My husband had his follow up exam today after having his sperm checked. Learned that only 14% of his sperm show mobility and that 86% don’t show any mobility at all. I was at work when my husband called and to hear him so upset, saying he’s the reason we aren’t getting pregnant just breaks my heart. Something I didn’t think I would ever hear. I cried a lot today. I know God has a plan for us but sometimes understanding what that might be is hard. Anyone gone through this and any help or suggestions would be great. My OBGYN already gave me some info on a fertility specialist near us, but did anyone go through this and have an thing you have done to help with mobility increase. Prayers would be great too.