
Today, I am so frustrated.

Frustrated that I still dont have my baby

Frustrated that I have unexplained

infertility(both hubz and I have been tested, there's no problems)

Frustrated that 4 rounds of letrozole and 3 rounds of clomid didn't work

Frustrated that I keep having to say "congratulations" to friends and family

Frustrated that when my sister recently announced that she's pregnant(im super stoked and happy for her, she has been TTC for 3yrs with PCOS) The FIRST thing my mother turns to me and says is "She's onto her second already, you dont even have your first yet. U need to hurry up and make that baby"

Frustrated that I saved myself for marriage and cant have a baby with the man of my dreams, my heartbeat.

Frustrated that I'm struggling with my faith because of TTC

Frustrated that no matter how many opks i pee on or how we try to "do it right" I just cant seem to get pregnant.

Frustrated that my body is failing me

But above all,

frustrated that Im starting to lose parts of myself.

I just needed to let it out.